repition is paying off...
... sometimes in *our* homeschool it feels like all we do is the same thing over and over and over. Don't get me wrong for the most part I love it - but I want to do more, do different, be more 'advanced' than where we are at with it all. More so when I check out curriculum and the feeling of 'not enough' grabs hold.
When the failure side of myself seeps in and I begin to wonder if my child is dyslexic, or has an illness or a learning disability. When I begin to think that *I* can not teach him enough and that he's behind the other kids and would be better off in school.
Then a moment occurs where I sit one-on-one and realise that yes this child can do this work, that repitition is paying off and he knows what he's doing, he knows what it means, he knows what he's been learning and he doesn't need my help.
I suddenly feel proud of his achievements. They are his achievements not mine. And I get to be the first inline to view this child learning these things and not somebody else, not someone who will be in his life for a year at the most, not a stranger who doesn't love or care for him as much as I do.
Especially given that just an hour ago he was having a major melt down - and now he is once again a soft and placid little busy homeschooling boy. Especially given we/I had an absolutely terrible day yesterday and we had our family night last night with a movie and late to bed. Begining the day off with a terrible start. Actually - he came outside with me at 6:30am and pulled all the dry washing off the line WITHOUT being asked/told - first for him taking washing off the line! He's been doing other things without being asked too. Such as getting dressed and putting his PJs under his pillow, and getting his PJs on, clearing up, and some of his other regular routine jobs. Makes a Mama like me feel proud.
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Having the opportunity to view my child's learning take hold
2. Effective uses of time out and bed
3. Quiet times in the arvo when the babies are in bed and its just me and the boy
4. Duplo
5. A quiet spirited child
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