Friday, September 28, 2012

Did Pencader Violate FOIA Again?

Reports coming out of last night's Pencader board meeting indicate that board member, Steve Quimby, a teacher rep, resigned his board position and was subsequently appointed Interim School Leader. 

This action was not noticed on the Agenda for the September 27, 2012 meeting, nor was the agenda ammended prior to the meeting to provide notice to the public that the board would be voting on a new or interim school leader.

Was the inadequate posting another communication failure or was this an intentional move to deny the public access to important school business? Will the motion even show up in the minutes - given the board admission to the AG that they failed to keep adequate minutes of previous meetings?

The board also accepted two resignations last night - Quimby and Dr. Jones, bringing the membership count to five.  With five, three makes a quorum.  Wonder if those frequent gatherings at the local bar will come to an end now? 

Also, noteworthy, DOE's John Carwell was absent from the meeting.  Charter Junket to Texas, maybe?

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