September Monthly Meeting
Posted 9/20/2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
5:30 P.M. Executive Session
6:30 P.M. General Session
1. Call to Order
2. Executive Session
a. Review personnel
b. Legal strategy session for pending and potential litigation related to Special Ed & Finances
3. Return to Public Session
4. Review, correct, approve minutes from August 30, 2012 and September 10, 2012
5. Financial Report
a. Financial Audit (Review & Approve)
6. School Administration Report
7. Discussion of operational needs of school, including the following areas: governance, finances, human resources, marketing, Special Ed, By-Laws and how best to meet those needs
8. Innovative Schools
9. Board Officer Nomination/Elections
10. Floor Open for Public Comments
a. Time Limit of 3 minutes per person
b. Allotted time may not be reassigned to a prior or subsequent speaker
11. Meeting Adjournment
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