For a long time now I have wanted to go on a bike ride with my family. The problem is pregnancy & new born. When this babe turned 11? Months I bought a two seater bike trailer. A little later I bought a bike seat for the back of the bike.
Awhile later... ... I had my 6yr old son remove his flat bike tyre from his bike, we bought a bike tyre, papa fixed it and the 6yr old son returned it to the bike including training wheels. He then decided he didn't want training wheels on so took them off.
I then had 6yr old son remove tyres from sisters bike. It was hard, he needed help from his papa who didn't help for such a long time it was rather pathetic. Why is waiting for men so frustrating?
I ended up buying new tyres and tubes for sisters bike. Left them to sit for a few months while waiting for the tyre fitting Papa to fix them. He didn't. So I paid the bike fixing man to put the tyres on the bike. Thinking that 6yr old son could put them on bike (with help from his pa!). They are on the bike but the chain won't go in. That bikes not fixed.
My brother gave us his daughter (my neices) bike, same size as little sisters. Except it had no training wheels on. So big brother put them on. But the brake was stuck on. So I waited ages for the papa to fix it. He didn't.
I wanted to go on a bike ride/walk. So I found a screw driver, loosened a screw and miraculously it was the right one. Brake works now. But the tyre needed pumping up. It got pumped up at the petrol station by tyre fitting dad.
We took our first family bike ride/walk EVER!! Isaiah & Amalia rode a bike, Michael, Jarah (3) and Avigail (20months) and I walked. We took our two dogs too ;)
I enjoyed it. But Michael didn't look like he enjoyed himself.. Although he never does!!
The next day I went with Vicki and two different dogs (one of ours & one of hers) and we took the pram. As empty as it became..
I look forward to more family bike rides... With or without the papa who doesn't fix bikes... When I get Jarahs bike ready it'll be paid in the shop all in one go!!
Both times we ended the trip with juice boxes. I bought them for speedway but we didn't go. If you ask them what special thing they did that day they answer 'drank juice'...
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