Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homeschooling: how do you do it?

A natural learning method often used in homeschooled homes is cooking.

Practical learning in a natural environment.

For me, I choose to teach purposefully after a child shows interest in something I am doing.

Today I made cinnamon toast for the baby and I.

Within moments of putting the last slice of bread in the grill resulted in my big boy getting some more ready.

Loaded with 6 slices of bread (amount that fits in our grill) he's buttering, cinnamon sprinkling and sugar dusting the bread.

Popped into the grill himself, checked himself, shared with the children.

He is learning quickly by watching a process (briefly) and using initiative to get some more happening.

I choose to allow him the freedom in using his natural curiosity and initiative in his own learning in a practical way with minimal adult involvement (where applicable).

It's usually more messy than if I had done it myself, but I try convince myself that's not the point. ;)

5 things I am Thankful for:
1. Kid using his iniative
2. Freedom in homeschooling
3. Generous heart, to cook for siblings
4. Practical skills that assists in the running of our household plus his own when he gets one
5. A clean kitchen ;)

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