I've been a long time reader of some blogs. One being 'Sparkling Adventures' a family of 7 living as nomads touring Australia & New Zealand and blogging about it.
The blog both inspires and encourages me in my walk and desire as parent and home schooler.
Whilst I don't agree with everything said, I appreciate the honest, no-fear approach to a life lived abnormally to what our society deems as normal.
So much so, that I'd like to buy a bus, fit it out and travel, home schooling along the way. Although, my main influence may have been from my parents doing this with me when I was in Grade 6 for a year, even home schooling by Distant Education.
I suppose one thing that stands out about the blog is recording the memories, with photographs, of the different places they visit and stay.
One day, I might happen to record some of my own past travel adventures.. Like Sydney, Brisbane, touring through the north island of New Zealand, even onto our travels across Australia and back.
A while back I learnt that adventures happen in the everyday, we simply need to seek them out, recognize them for what they are! Cherish the moments.
It was my two children aged 2 & 9months who say the light and joy in every situation. I still see it in my now youngest 20month old.
Just a simple cup with something to put inside makes for an interesting play thing, or a tub of pencils, a doll or a teddy. A walk to the park is exciting to my young family, or the opportunity to ride their bikes on the foot path, or going to the beach.
In the smaller, fun, everyday life activities is where we find our fun and fulfillment in the world God made..
5 things I am thankful for:
1. Blogs that inspire
2. Hearts desires
3. Travel experiences of my past
4. Blogs. Like my own recording device
5. Cameras, to document the adventures daily
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