The book series of 'Snugglepot and Cuddlepie' by May Gibbs would have to be one of my childhood faves. Those books absolutely melt my heart and I look forward to when I too can read them to Possum.
One day as we were out for a walk as a family I found these huge gumnuts, which had fallen from a gumtree. Of course I had to take a collection home and get creative! I gathered together a few acrylic paints and a brush.
The stem of the gumnuts acted as a little handle as I began to decorate these little treasures. Getting children to do such an activity would be great way for them to strengthen the small muscles in their hands and build on their fine motor skills.
With each gumnut I decorated my creativity grew and curiousity took over and I started thinking outside the square a little. Eventually I gave into temptation and threw a gumnut into the paint to see what it would look like.
This simple activity would be great for children to do at home. They of course could decorate them however they please. They might be interested in painting patterns, shapes or converting them into characters with cheeky features. I love that this is such an open ended activity.
I began to wish that I'd collected more gumnuts from the park as my mind was racing with the endless possibilities of how I could decorate them and use them as tools for learning. I love the mixture of the natural with the unnatural.
Here are some ways that I consider them tools for learning -
- Estimating and checking the various heights and weight of each gumnut
- Great for sensory development
- Investigating how the seeds are spread and protected by the gumnut
- and much, much more.....
Here I began printing using the opening of the gumnut! Just look at those colours and the shape that is created. Brilliant. I personally had such fun doing this activity that I can only imagine how much children would love it. So next time you are out at a park be sure to look out for a few gumnuts.
Kate x
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