Friday, February 15, 2013

On being blamed for the Pencader Predicament

Dear Ms. Sylvia,

Please see my response below:

From: Tammie Sylvia []
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:52 PM
To: Gilligan Kate (Governor)
Subject: Re: Your Call to Gov. Markell
Thank you very much Kate, for getting back to me. After hearing Governor Markell speak about the future of education, I actually felt a little better about everything. This was especially wonderful after being told by my state representative Paul Baumbach that the staff, parents and students are collateral damage in this debate. I refuse to believe Mr. Baumbach and know that at the end of the day, Pencader does an excellent job at educating kids, and with some support, I believe it could be a premier business school in the nation!
I do hope that those in power will understand that so many of us (taxpayers) mistrust Christina
School District to educate our kids, and I do not believe that Christina School District would stand up to the scrutiny from DOE that Pencader has been under. Mistakes were made, but as Edison showed us when he invented the light bulb, we learn from mistakes and achieve greatness. Even Henry Ford had to try a few times to start up his company! I have to believe that those in power will see through the nonsense propagated by the likes of John Young, Kilroy, Nicole Dobo, Harrie Ellen Minnehan and Elizabeth Scheinberg, and put the needs of the parents/taxpayers who entrust Pencader Charter High School to educate their kids, and our students who love their school and value their education first! John Young and Elizabeth Scheinberg are irresponsible, and to my eyes as a taxpayer, need to focus their time, effort, passion and energy into making Christina a district that everyone feelscomfortable entrusting their children's education. Honestly, I wish I could have a refund of my $90,000 plus dollars because Christina has received my money even though I did not entrust my children's education to them. Maybe I would not have to worry about sending my kids to college if I could have some of my money back.
Moving forward, I would love for DOE to focus some energy on the failures of big districts like
Christina. If public trust in a board is an issue that warrants closing a school (district), then
categorically, I do not trust Christina School Board to develop a program to educate my own kids, which has directly led to financial hardship for my family. Elizabeth Scheinberg and John Young prove to me on a daily basis that I should not place any trust in this board to educate my children. This experience has made me rethink everything I thought before about my situation. I always told myself that I "chose" private school and the expense that the choice entails, but I am now questioning whether it really is a choice if I feel I have no other option. Honestly, I do not feel that I have another option, and I have concluded that it is not a real choice. I wax philosophic here, but I hope that our Governor will listen to the parents and students before making any decision about Pencader Charter High School. Young people will face big problems when they complete their education, not the least of which are climate issues and the economy. I can look myself in the mirror and know that the kids I teach are prepared to meet the next level head-on and learn to solve the problems. I know that my own daughters, who went to St. Marks High School on my own hard earned dime, are prepared as well. I want others in this state to feel the confidence I feel in knowing that their kids have had the best education possible to prepare them for the future.
On a personal note, I thank you for listening to my problems and issues, and I know that you are doing your best to communicate these issues to those powers above who hold all our fates in their hands. You listened through my tears and gave me encouragement. Governor Markell could not ask for a better person to represent him.
Tammie Sylvia

Ms. Sylvia,

I am very sorry that my decision to "un-friend" you on Facebook has resulted in such acrimony. I didn't realize that the loss of my status updates would upset you so.  If you would like, I will happily email you the most recent pictures of my cats.  Please understand that I felt our Facebook break-up was necessary for both Pencader and I to go our different ways. 

It is important to note that I am not responsible for Pencader's current condition.  I did not violate open meeting laws.  I did not steal from the department of pensions.  I did not fabricate my credentials.  I have had absolutely no influence over the leadership decisions that have guided a school into its formal review and the closure recommendation.  I did not prepare the woefully inadequate responses to the Charter School Accountability Committee.  

I have challenged Pencader to become the best school it possibly can.  And it has been a challenge, hasn't it? I have defended Pencader's teachers and students.  But, I would not sacrifice my integrity for leadership run very much amok.  I am saddened that as a Pencader teacher you do not hold your leadership accountable.  Pencader must take ownership for it's own predicament.  

Finally, I feel compelled to correct a factual error in your letter.  You lament that you have funded public education in Christina to a tune of $90,000.  Upon reflection of your tax records, given the amount of time you have owned your home in CSD, I've estimated your school taxes to be approximately $42,000.00.  In fact, you have likely paid less. Perhaps this information will provide you with some small amount of solace.

I wish you great success in your future endeavours,

Elizabeth Scheinberg


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