My big boy came to me a few weeks ago and said my tooth is broken! What did he mean? So I told him to show me and fair enough his little baby tooth was broken.. At the root!!
Being me, I made a big fuss about how he was getting so big and one of these days his tooth would fall out.
Hubby and I told him about how when we were kids our teeth fell out and we had holes until new adult teeth grew into them.
We told him how (we thought) his Aunty (2 1/2yrs older than him) has a hole from a missing tooth. Hers had grown back by then.. Whoops.
One if his Favourite little (girl) friends from Church had lost a tooth or two and now it was his turn.
Hubby would tease "I could pull that out right now if you want". Child always declined.
I would ask in a stern voice "Isaiah, have you been wiggling that tooth?" he'd always deny it, until he realized I was playing with him (mean mum award?!).
Tonight, he's in bed, mucking around. When we hear this voice "come here it's SPECIAL!!"
Yep of course it is ;) "my tooth is gone!" oh wow that IS special!!!
We find it on his bed, tiny drops of blood and an extremely happy tooth-missing child.
I run off to grab two iPhones and a camera.. To snap away at something special with the most willing poser EVER!!
We have no tooth fairy, and he will get no money! But he's happy to know how well he's growing up and pleased to let his (somewhat uncaring) siblings know of his fanciful special tooth hole.
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