Monday, April 30, 2012

Muffin Tin Meal

This is my first Muffin Tin Meal I've created quickly for lots of little kids. I'm not sure when or where I first came across them or even first came across bento (Japanese food art) but the point is I have, and I'm joining in.

The children thought it was a bit of fun and discussed what they like and don't like.

I was happy to hear that just because one kid didn't like something that the others were happy to like it. Individualism ;)

They used little flag toothpicks as the forks and seemed to like doing that.

We had: frozen raspberries, cashews, rice crackers, tahini dip, cheese cubes, baby spinach leaves, cooked cubed pumpkin, dates, apple and fresh parsley from our garden.

The baby loved pumpkin!!

Jarah loved the cashews best. Funny story! Ages ago he did wees on the potty where I was rewarding him with lollies. Except hubby ate them all. So I gave him cashew nuts. Now he thinks cashews are lollies so gobbled them all up!!

Isaiah liked the frozen raspberries best.

Amalia is hard to guess. I think she liked a variety of items.

They left the dates, pumpkin and tahini. I'm surprised!! My kids don't like pumpkin??? Will have to change that!!

Edited to Add:
Because the children enjoyed this meal so much I decided to give it another shot. Adding in dinner left overs:
Sausages, hashbrowns, rice balls, steamed veges, corn on the cob. I'll add in a bowl of pasta sauce for a dip ;) (the extra pic)

Edited to Add: I have a plan for tomorrows muffin tin lunch too!! Tuna mornay style with a fairly huge twist ;)

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