It had been upon my heart to Celebreate the Passover with my family for quite some time. This year, is the year for my family to begin such family traditions that come directly from the bible, the amount of teaching and learning opportunities. As most in the western world celebrate "easter" this year our family celebrate "Passover" and Jesus Death & Resurrection.
In the lead up to Passover I purchased "Resurrection Eggs" and told the story to the children. They enjoyed opening the eggs to discover what was inside pertaining to what part of the story. Isaiah's favourite was the last egg, the empty tomb. As the people went to see Jesus to find his tomb was empty as Jesus was now alive.
I also read several story books. Story books relevant to Passover (as in Jesus death) are easily found in 'Easter books'. Atleast the books we have been reading are suitable.
The family slept in a tiny bit, played and had breakfast (Spicy muffins) in mummy & papa's bed.
We then tottled off for the morning 'Easter Service' at church. They talk about Jesus death and dying on the cross so I consider it Okay. If you can understand the focus on Jesus being the main principle of Passover you could understand or chosen way to mix the two (Passover & Easter that is).
We watched passion of the Christ. This was my first time watching it. Every other time I had fallen asleep. It was gruesome and disgusting, to awful to watch in many parts. Hubby shared why's of what was happening during the parts the children watched.
Prepared passover meal for 2012 - Actually Hubby did ;) with the children. Roasted Lamb, Veges and Rosemary. Topped with mushroom gravy and mint sauce. Oh, and unleavened bread that Hubby and the kids made by hand.
As I reflected over Jesus being crucified upon the cross I thought back upon the first Passover meal which is found in Exodus 12
When Moses commanded Pharoah to let his people go. The 10 plagues of Egypt. In particular the 10th plague. When God gave specific instructions to kill a lamb, roasting it upon the fire, eating it and being ready for travel.
Each person was to smear the lambs blood on the door frames of every house so when the angel of Death came it saw the blood and left it alone.
All the houses and places where there was no blood over the frames the angel of death entered and killed every first born. Not even sparing the animals.
Pharoah's Son died. Pharoah was upset.
I've reflected more upon the lamb, the blood and the Passover meal then any other feature this year.
As we entered into this day I see the reflection of Jesus being that lamb, sacrificed, His blood smeared upon us as believers, so when the angel of death comes it sees we belong to the Lord.
Because we belong to the Lord, death cannot and will not harm us. Obviously I am not referring to death in this earthly lifetime but an eternal death or life in hell.
We also talked about the chicken that we raised from the dying...
For our families evening meal we had a replica of a Passover meal. A lamb, veges gravy and bitter herbs. To remember Jesus, and to remember the instruction of the Lord to Moses.(Although, the bible doesn't say there were veges, just lamb meat and unleavened bread). An overall enjoyable evening.
{You may notice the children have their hands on their kids. They were being silly and noisy at the table and wouldn't stop after a gentle reprimand... so got to put their hands on their heads.}
After the meal, we were going to watch a movie but as time got on we decided against it and gave the children their Passover Gifts. Each of the three older children received an "Easter" book each. Amalia got a story as told my Mary Magdalene, Isaiah's story was about Jesus dying on the cross, the stone being rolled away and the the tomb being empty, Jarah's story is more for the Sunday rising, When Jesus rose from the dead.
We discussed details pertaining Jesus dying, why, how, when, by who.
Real Life Drama Unfold..
Banana incident:
Isaiah asked if he could have a banana. I said yes. Not long afterwards Hubby found the banana on the floor half eaten. He said eat it. Isaiah refused. Between talks on wasting money/wasting food and punishment.. Bit by slow tiny bit Isaiah took bites of his banana.
Now when you become a parent one piece of advice that came across often by a variety of people is to pick your battles. Today, banana eating was the picked battle by hubby. It happens often.. The food wastage that is..
Gagging and vomit noises and all. One claimed it was yucky the claimed it wasn't.
Amalia came through to me in another room munching on a bit of banana.. Isaiah doesn't want it amalia tells me so I had some for him..<------- that right there is a debt paid out of love... Like what Jesus did for us!!
More gagging noises.. Threats of no vomitting.. Mini-bite and in trouble again. While off in another room the banana sat unattended.. So amalia shoved the rest of it in her mouth and ate it. End of story right? Wrong..
Amalia had just saved her brother of being in trouble, BIG trouble, she had taken half his punishment by eating the banana. Did she have to? No! She didn't! But she CHOSE to!She chose to, because she LOVES her brother and didn't want him to be in trouble anymore. She did it willingly. Like Jesus, dying on the cross for our sins, our wrongdoings.
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Real life showing of Grace & Mercy in my home
2. Our family being in the place to (finally) celebrate Passover
3. Joyful children, even at the dinner table
4. Provisions, our meal, a message, true love
5. Revelations, understanding and wisdom from Above.
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