Monday, April 23, 2012

Jessica Simpson's Fear-Based Elective C-Section

Another celebrity -- this time Jessica Simpson -- chooses a c-section and it makes the headlines.  Unfortunately, women are choosing to have surgery in order to avoid the "pain" of labor and childbirth every day in America.  I can't help but think that the media and the "horror stories" from friends and family about how hard and awful the experience is contributes to this elective e-section phenomenon. 

Some of the highlights, in case you missed it, are that Ms. Simpson is "terrified of pain" and "too scared to push."  ''The thought of going into labor scared the bejeezus out of her. She was so anxious, she was even breaking into cold sweats at night.  Jessica has no tolerance for pain. She even turned to hypnotherapy to calm her fears about it, but nothing was working.  She desperately wanted to experience the joy of a natural birth, but decided to go with what made the most sense for her.''

She obviously has her choice to elect to have surgery, and I don't really care about taking that choice away from her.  I am more concerned with where the fear comes from, and how do we conquer this fear that is so prevalent in our modern society?

I was scared to death when I was pregnant with my first baby.  I've written his birth story here, but in case you missed it, here it is again.  I was, like Jessica, terrified of the pain. Everything I knew about birth came from the movies and TV sitcoms.  Elective cesareans had not taken off (I wouldn't have chosen that option anyway) so I had to face my fear -- which I bravely did by demanding "my epidural"!

The two things that helped me overcome the fear of natural childbirth were:   
1)  Knowing someone who had actually done it
2)  Education

So, while I am sad that so many women are missing out on the amazing -- and even hard -- experience of natural childbirth, I understand the fear.  If you have had a natural childbirth, talk about it!  Encourage the women around you.  They are strong and capable.  I always believed I was strong.  Now I know I am strong because I faced my fear.  That knowledge is powerful as a woman becomes a mother.  It's powerful in other areas of your life too.  The more you know, the less you fear.  Get educated! 

Conquer your fears!  Each time you do, you become a stronger woman.  I spent my entire life being terrified of bees.  One year I planted a garden, and in doing so, learned how necessary the bees were to the survival of my 20 tomato plants. Without pollination, there would be no fruit.  You've seen The Bee Movie, I'm sure. As the summer went on, I welcomed the bees and simply worked around them.  I overcame my fear because the desire to have my garden flourish was stronger.

Birth is no different.  Get educated, surround yourself with people who believe in you, make informed decisions and conquer your fearYou are stronger than any fear you currently have.  Put that in your pocket, Jessica Simpson!

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