A typical day of {this} homeschool family of 6 with lots of little kids consists of the mummy {me} laying in bed while the daddy gets ready for work and leaves.
Isaiah is 6, Amalia is 4, Jarah is 3 and Avigail is 17months. We are roughly 10 weeks pregnant and super excited about our 'special baby'. We homeschool but I don't lay claim to any particular 'type/style'. We just are who we are, doing what we do.
The children start waking and get stuck into playing immediately.
By playing I mean making a lot of noise so that any left over children are woken and join in with the racquet.
This mornings playing consisted of making music and prancing around the living room. Now I couldn't actually 'see' the prancing in the living room but I do know the sound of prancing elephants doing the monkey dance in the house.
I reached for my phone to check the scripture of the day on my bible app, check any possible midnight texts I slept through and any new emails I might be interested in.
I eventually call out for my clever mini-chef to get my breakfast. This morning? Ice cream. He joyfully obliges.
I call out to another to get the baby out of bed. Usually she's pulled out already but this morning? Stuck in her makeshift portacot.
I can hear him saying no ice cream to the other kids then laughing saying 'okay, Ice cream for all the kids'. Doesn't bother asking the mum. Mum usually says no! You don't eat Ice cream for breakfast!
After awhile I get up and notice the kitchen is cleaner than usual. No spilt milk on the floor and table, no Weetbix spilled and no sugar granules under my bare feet. This could be a more successful breakfast meal than cereal I think.
I tell the older kids to clear the table, stack the chairs and get the dishes off the floor. Dishes weren't done the night before so there's a bit of a mess.
I think in my head 'today's goal: mop kitchen floor'
During kitchen clean up I grab a shower, get dressed and fresh for the day.
Afterwards I put 3yo in time out for screaming and not using vocab. Time out as in he needs a break or time away from the other kids, tell the older two to finish their kitchen instructions.
I wash a heap of dishes, but not all. There's that much.
I then finish picking up in the living room, vacuum and hang up small things on the airer. Jocks and socks mainly.
Then, I CLOSE the door! This room hasn't stayed tidy and clean since getting back from holidays for more than an hour! Even cleaning it up before I go to work means by the time I get home from work it's a pigsty again.
Next, I instruct older two to other morning jobs. 1 girl to get dressed, 1 boy to clean the boys room. When 1 girl is dressed I ask her to clean the bathroom. Pick up washing, bin out, toys picked up.
Once the lounge is done I work in the bathroom. Tidying up leftover floor rubbish, clean bath, wall and other little bit.
Meanwhile 3yo draws in 1yos eye. As you do. And the crying starts, the I'm telling mummy starts and my job is disrupted. Seriously thinking these kids don't want to live in a clean and tidy environment.
Mental note: buy more shower power! I used just about the entire bottle for one cleaning job. Ooops.
1 girl is instructed to clean her room. Her room is NEVER tidy for long! At the moment I can barely open the door. I'm very unimpressed. Clean washing is strewn from one side of the room to the other and all places in between. It's getting their. Slowly.
The boys room is much much tidier but the stuff under the bed has now come out and more work is being done.
I'm still busying myself between bathroom, clingy baby, and two kids rooms.
Next up? Mopping bathroom floor and shutting that door.
So, the bathroom door is shut. I shoved some oil down the hinge cos the door doesn't shut easily. The husband doesn't fix things so nothing gets done. the door can be shut with ease now. Why didn't I do this earlier?
Mental note: get silican and find the gun thingy :/ for bathroom
Baby still being clingy. Not satisfied with a cuddle.
I give the baby cereal and have some myself. While she finishes off her breakfast I put the already washed and air-dried dishes away, fill the sink and was another batch of dishes.
I walk into the boys room to discover a child laying on his back amongst stuff to put away. This should have been done. So I give a 5minute ultimatum with a threat and it's done in under a minute.
I set the boy up with his first lot of book work for the week. Easy paced stuff that can be worked on without my immediate attention the entire way through. He asks to make some 'finger puppets' from a child's magazine he was given from Aunty V. I tell him afterwards. I'm always amazed at how he chooses activities for himself to do.
The girls room is still a big mess.
I set thy princess up to do her school work in my bedroom. She does several pages with a bit of help from me. 3 pages more and that book is complete. Pity her attitude changed and she doesn't want to do any more.
A friend rocked up for paperwork to be filled in. All done. But it seemed to set miss Princess-I-don't-want-to-do-my-school-work into a spin of sooks and cries *sigh*. Her school work ends for the time being.
I put the baby to bed for a nap *phew*
Isaiah does several pages, then I cut out a puzzle thing and he gets busy putting it together. It's quite the brain teaser of a puzzle. But he gets it.
Jarah (3) gets hungry so I pull some hash browns out for lunch. He likes cooking so I set him up to 'cook lunch' and he puts the hash browns on the tray. He comes in to me and says he wants to go to the shop to buy mushroom. This is code for 'I want to cut food with a knife'. We don't go. I just put the baby to bed and I'm not disturbing her, even for an educational experience and I giant size kitchen mess and a pile of mushroom bits.
The papa rocks up for lunch.
Lunch today is corn. As in corn kernels with butter and salt (should have been olive oil - but the papa changed it). And the hashbrowns.
After the meal was consumed it was time for the papa to leave. So all the kids followed outdoors to wave goodbye. And wave at their nana who happened to drive past also. Creepy hey? Kind of stalkerish right? My sister-in-laws live a few houses down the street.
We then return indoors for more learning.
Isaiah wants to cut out the finger puppets, amalia claims its HER book and wants it back, jarah watches on while Avigail sleeps. And me? I catch up on blogging.
Isaiah is meticulous about his work. Always has been. Tries to cut it out as slowly as he can so it's cut neat and tidy. And he puts them in exact order as the picture shows.
Jarah walks around exclaiming he needs scissors. I always get suspicious when a 3yo 'needs' scissors. But he asks his brother for help and it's all sorted for him.
Bubba wakes smelly so I stick her in the bathtub for a wash and a play. Couple squirts bubble bath and she'll be busy for awhile. She looks at me cheekily while filling the bath with bath toys. Her hair needs a wash. Wonder if I'll remember to wash it this time! I didn't.
Isaiah finishes off his project. He is happy with what he's done. A bit of problem solving needed and he's got it sorted. I am aware that I could put him out of his misery and show him how but I like his sense of problem solving. I do show him sometimes but not today. He will ask if he WANTS assistance which is different to NEEDING.
The children get stuck into a bit of creativeness and I lay down in the room they are in watching. I read green eggs and ham by dr seuss and jarah soon falls asleep.
Amalia is whining. She's too tired to be awake but too amalia to have a day nap. That means we have to put up with her. *sigh*
My energy levels have drained and I'm told to go to bed so 'we' (the kids) can make a mess. I appreciate honesty.
With disappearing energy levels I succumb to the temptation of laying on my bed. Isaiah exclaims I'm boring I need to eat something. I select ice cream and he happily gets me some. I happily eat it and surprisingly it wakes me up. Kind of.
I rest the rest of the day, kids watch a movie 'up' in the same room as me, they eat ice cream and also chips left over from the night before. How healthy!
Dinner tonight is Weetbix. I said I was energy drained and I meant it! Hubby was at the gym so I couldn't be bothered getting up. Kids can get themselves breakfast.
I get the baby off to bed and tell the others to get into their pjs. They do so and watch their next movie. I don't know what it's called but it's about snow dogs and Antartica.
Antartica is a continent that we have been learning about for no particular reason so I comfort myself in believing that they are learning also. Score!
Eventually two more fall asleep through the movie, papa comes home and I'm relieved of family duties and fall asleep also.
This day isn't necessarily typical given I'm not usually passed out and we don't watch movies let alone one after the other. But this was the day that I choose to record. ;)