Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Perth trip - day 5 - gymnastics

I forgot to mention... But is important.. To us ;)

Miss Amalia was 4 months old when mik and I discussed about her doing gymnastics. She was unusually flexible and full of beans. If you were to put 20 toys on a mat for her to play with she'd pull herself away from the mat and onto the floor. Unlike her big brother who would be given a single toy and stay put for ages.

She's still the same.

The thing about gymnastics is you need to be a certain age. An age she has not yet reached.

Our home town offers kindy gym 2-4yr group then for school age kids 5+. Miss Amalia is only 4.

The lovely lady who runs kindy gym and is involved in gymnastics attends our church and is good friends with my mother-in-law. She was babysitting my lot the morning of kindy gym and took them, they got talking.

See it turns out miss-not-old-enough is too advanced for kindy gym and is ready for beginners gymnastics.

So I received a call from an unknown number and didn't answer it. The message was about gymnastics and a place open for a beginner, interested?

Need I answer? I called back straight away and SHES IN!!! Thursday arvo just got busier.. But that's ok..

Mik told her she'll learn to walk on her hands.

She can already swing forwards on the bar, pull herself onto the bar, climb a pole, hang upside down on a bar and a variety of other things. That is all untrained monkey stuff.

I think she'll thrive (physically) but not sure how she'll go emotionally..

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