Thursday, August 30, 2012

Board Member turned consultant DiMauro seeks Contract with Pencader - Keep bleeding the beast until its dry!|topnews|text|Home

Another Pencader "associate", this time board member/former board member/president, Vincent DiMauro, is maneuvering his company Integrate LLC to become a contracter at Pencader.  Don't worry, folks, this contract will fall below $50,000, meaning that the board will likely not vote on it and the deal can be done with school leader, Ann Lewis.

DiMauro told The News Journal that the rate varies depending on what services are provided, and it was not yet known what kind of rate would be charged. His firm provides a variety of services and has experience working with schools, he said.
1. Did DiMauro provide Pencader with references?
2. Did DiMauro provide Pencader with the list of schools with whom Integrate LLC is working?
3. Did DiMauro itemize for Pencader the type of work he's down with these schools?
4. Did DiMauro provide Pencader with a menu of services offered?
5. Did DiMauro solicit Pencader or did Pencader solicit DiMauro?
6. Our of curiosity - do the services offered by Integrate LLC fall within the scope of single source procurement?
7. When will someone intercede to stop the blood-letting at Pencader?  I am fairly certain that should Pencader's board want governance assistance, they could seek it from the Delaware School Board Association for much less than $49,000/year. 

Pencader is a school.  Despite the way it has been manipulated, it was never intended to be a cash cow.  This is Insanity!

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