Pencader posts August 30 Board Meeting Notice Agenda. Thank You!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
5:30 P.M.
School Main Building, 2
ND Floor Conference Room
1. Call to order
2. Review, correct as necessary, and approve minutes of July 26, 2012 Board Meeting
3. Board Ratification of July 2, 2012 and July 26, 2012 Election of Directors
4. School Leader’s Report: Mrs. Lewis
5. Curriculum Development Report: Mrs. Fraser
6. Financial Report - July Monthly Budget Report: Mrs. Scanlan
7. Financial Audit Status Report: Mr. DiMauro
8. Proposed SY2013 Budget: Mrs. Scanlan
9. Parents Teachers Organization Report on Activities: Mrs. Kennedy
10. Executive Session
a. Strategy session with respect to pending and potential litigation
11. Reconvene Open Meeting
12. Floor Open for Public Comments
a. Time limit 5 minutes per person
b. Allotted time may not be reassigned to a prior or subsequent speaker
13. Meeting Adjournment
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