Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can Charter Schools Charge Tuition/Fees for Summer School for At-Risk Students?

6) How are charter schools funded? May a charter school charge additional costs for specific services?
Charter schools receive both state and local educational funds based upon student enrollment. Charter schools do not receive additional funding for facilities.
Charter schools must provide without cost extra instructional time for at-risk students, summer school and other services required to be provided pursuant to the state accountability laws.
Charter schools may not charge tuition, however, there may be select additional services such as before and after school care for which there could be a charge.
This information is courtesy the Department of Education Charter School FAQ -  This document is required to be distributed to Parents/Guardians when they enroll their student in a Delaware Charter School.

If you were required to pay for summer school for your at-risk student or child who required ESY or Extended School year as part of their IEP or 504, I strongly urge you to contact the Delaware Charter School Office for clarification on the matter, (302)735-4020. 

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