Sunday, March 20, 2011

A New Season

Ecclesiastes 3 talks about a time for everything...

Today marks the first day of a new season for us. The first day of Mik's (well paying) full-time job, the first day of working towards our $10,000 deposit goal, the first day of providing for our future, the first day of me being a (lone) full-time stay-at-home-mum to 4 kids 5yrs of age and under, the first day of the children having just me at home with them day after day after day (again).

I suspect a few challenges to arise, a few behavioural adjustments needed, and a trip (or more) down town for the first time on my own with all four. I think I have it sorted - no! wait! I will have it sorted (not sure when though).

I have a bit of house work planned, a bit of home schooling planned, some washing to do and put away and some games/dvd/fun planned with the kiddies. Not sure how much we'll get done though.

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. 12 days of not doing it completely on my own ALL the time (prob half?)
2. 6 months constant training in the 'morning routine' - kids can do breaky just about without me
3. Milk shakes - my form of quick meal - which means I wont starve
4. Bubba waking up once for a night feed
5. Possible opportunity to buying our first home :)

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