Two words to describe the majority of my day... or the morning which has given me the belief it was like that the majority of my day...
As we draw near the end of the day I want to record the memory of a chaotic and hectic morning - so I can look back when the desire to have more children reaches its begging stage and think again.
While I fed a fussing bubby the children set up for breakfast. Nothing abnormal about that apart from half a kilo of oats being spilt on the floor and cleaned up by Isaiah (5) and scattered around the kitchen floor by Jarah (20mths). The milk seemed every where and the children fought over who sat on what chair while the toddler squeaked and squealed about not being able to get into his high chair and then not getting his food. He had to wait for the milk.
Michael got called to work so my plan of getting out to get library cards and book shop card to hire out DVDs and books etc, buying a birthday gift for my youngest sister-in-law (9), checking the mail box and picking up a parcel, stopping in at woolies to get a couple of their specials, the baby shop for a 'back support' thingy, feed store for chook wheat, bunnings, red dot, and a variety of other errands meant that I was on my own with four children ages 5, 3, 1 & new born.
On top of that I needed/wanted the kitchen cleaned up, lots of washing washed, hung up, brought in and put away, lounge room tidied, cleared and vacuumed, the front porch cleared out and swept and re-arranged, the patio cleared up, cans picked up and bagged. I wanted the hall way cleared, childrens bedroom tidied and vacuumed, our sheets washed and bed re-made, bubbys sheets changed, washed and re-made. I wanted to sort some toys out and put them away. I wanted our bedroom to be completely spotless and cleaned which is a giant job in itself. I wanted every flea on the property to suddenly stop breathing and just DIE!
Avigail was feeding little bits at a time and going to sleep. Each time I put her down she'd fuss and cry for more feeding or to be held. I'm not sure why she was fussing... teething perhaps? (jk)
Avigail is such a beautiful baby (to me atleast) to look at and admire - but I still wanted these things done before I went out.
After flustering myself into a pile of GRRR's I gave up the idea of going out until Michael came home in the afternoon. Then we'd do them together and have a bit of fun as a family of 6 in our semi-trailer of a vehicle.
Without that rush of trying to get ready to go out I dropped the lot to simply feed the fussy baby and do some school work with the children. They did well with their school work today. Made me feel proud.
Isaiah has come along such a super duper long way in the year that we've been 'official'. He knows so much and has a desire to learn so much more. So ready for the next lot of stuff I've got planned for him.
Amalia was even following my directions and did it all right :) She usually likes to do her own thing. So independent that one!
I did manage to get 6 loads of washing washed and hung up, 3 loads brought in, porch swept and cleared out, lounge semi-tidied, kitchen cleaned, sheets washed, bubs bed changed whilst maintaining school work and play supervision. If only my back ached a lot less.
The older children had quiet time watching The Incredibles, Jarah had a nap in bed, Avigail and I cuddled and fed - I even got spewed on. Blessed am I!
I tried putting car seats into the car to discover the car is totally unsuitable for my needs. 4WD is too high for me to reach into and put the baby and toddler into. It has no side board? kick board? thingy for me to stand on to make me higher to reach. I can't put the two boys in the boot part cos I can not reach in to strap the toddler in and he cant/wont climb into his own seat. To get 4 kids in I have to open 3 seperate doors. I can barely lift my leg up high enough to get into the vehicle myself. And it drives like a giant tank. *sigh* Least we got a 7 seater vehicle??
I think Michael had either not listened or forgot that I had been planning on going out and would appreciate him being with me. Cos when he got home he was planning on going for a run... and the whole time we were out he didn't want to be there... So our outing completely sucked and the errands didn't get completed. The older children played up and so have been sent to bed early tonight. What a carry on! I am the least impressed.
Michael has taken Jarah to his parents to celebrate his youngest sisters 9th birthday.
On top of this... ALL day and in fact many months my lower back aches and is so extremely painful. Since birth it feels like it has seized and that it needs warming up just to function. Lying down hurts, sitting down hurts, standing hurts, walking hurts.
And so you have an utterly chaotic day for this brand new mother to 4, 5 and under.
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Peace and Quiet that bed time brings
2. Flexibility in being a stay at home mum
3. I have some *me* time tomorrow - Just Avigail & Myself to run our errands
4. Michael finally has a bit of (casual) work
5. This back support thing I now have is relieving much of the pressure on my back making it bearable.
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