Thy Princess was born at 6:11am Wednesday 9th March 2011 only 2 days after her Due Date.
We settled into our room quickly and settled into feeding and admiring. It had been a long night. Actually it had been a long two nights, or two weeks or rather 9 months.
I was delighted with what I saw, the relief that I felt, and the knowledge that I could have still been in labour with nothing happening.
Michael rang someone to bring the children in. I was so joyful in seeing them again after being shoved in the car at 4:30pm the day before (I know I'm a sook!) and for them to meet the baby that had been making me feel sick and kicking them.
Michael and the children all went home with *Aunty Katie* who was babysitting until around 2pm so that Michael could sleep/rest after his exhausting ordeal of being in the birthing suite with a labouring woman. He appreciated it. I knew he'd need it. Oh and I knew the children would've needed it!!
Isaiah looked at the Canula on my hand. He asked if it was my "gun". Must've thought I was like Buzz Light Year "peew peew" lol
Even though the children had been told and understood that I was at the hospital to get baby avigail out they kept saying I had a baby in my tummy. They wanted to feel Avigail NOT kicking in my tummy. lol Funny little things!!
Michael said he'd get my phone charger brought in. I didn't have much to do when Avigail was asleep so I just laid there. No visitors all day. No way to contact anybody. And no I couldn't just go to sleep or rest cos my body doesn't like doing that after having a baby as much as the rest of me would like some sleep.
At one point I asked one of the staff if I could have a sandwhich or something. I was so hungry. She came back soon afterwards with a picnic basket saying this will last you awhile. Made me think the hospital was extremely generous. But she said I know that woman she works in produce. Ahhhh it was Sharon (MIL) brought in some food right at the perfect amy-is-about-to-burst-of-starvation time. Discovered that I like lychees and nashi pears. YUM.
Around 2pm the children were scheduled for their regular afternoon with Nana Shaz and their uncle and 5 aunts. They were kind enough to offer to feed the children and put them to bed so Michael could be in hospital with me.
I asked the nurse if I could get the Canula taken out. Such a relief cos that thing was hurting still.
They brought all the children in to see/meet Avigail and have first cuddles. 15 Bells in a 4 bedroom shared room? We went to the visitors lounge and filled that up instead. lol =D
Finally *Aunty Vicki* arrived with gifts & I <3 them!!!
*Aunty Libby* & *Uncle Brock* arrived with chocolate and I ate them!!!
*Uncle Daniel* arrived and even had baby cuddles "naaaww" (& told his wife he's not getting one)
Michael stayed a little while afterwards before heading home for some sleep. Katie had another sleep over to help Michael in the morning.
I managed to get 3 blocks of 2 hours of sleep. The nurses took Avigail for 2 lots of those 2 hours so I could get some rest. Avigail spent a fair bit of time feeding, crying and sleeping. Our first crying baby.
and thus concludes Day 1.
NB: Re-reading our Birth Story I realise that I have forgotten a lot of the details. But I guess the memory I want to remember is the feeling of the stuck head - so when I get all clucky again I'll stop and think about the labour part. Why does it seem so worth it and that I'd go through it all again? She's only 5 days old and is totally adored already.
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Round the clock & on-call babysitters that have taken care of the house, Mt Washmore, the kids and Michael
2. Huge basket of food
3. Getting that Canula out
4. The things my children say/said about the baby/canula/my tummy
5. The sudden weight loss which has felt so lovely
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