Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A blog I've seen here and there... but today when I stumbled across it just reading the name made me choose to 'be a fun mum' this afternoon after the kids had their quiet time. I mean after I had MY quiet time & the children all slept.

So I counted up my 5 cent coins Yep $1.50 just enough for 3x 50cent cones from M for Mummy's (Or McDonalds - I have to use every possible learning opportunity to teach when I am car-schooling).

So off we go to get our ice creams as part of me just being a fun mum. But to make it more fun for ME & an excuse to see one of my favourite sister-in-laws/friends I dragged Vicki along too :)

Even after the shocking down town trip that we had I ventured outdoors and down town with those same kids in tow. This time with the prospect of ice cream and a play at M for Mummys the kids were great. Lots less screaming, lot more hand holding and food.

They made me proud when I handed them a napkin to wipe their ice cream covered chins to watch them cleaning up the drips on the table. Isaiah pointing out that Amalia had missed a spot until she wiped that clean. And again when Isaiah WALKED NICELY all the way to the bin with the tray and threw it in with the tray on the shelf.

They made me giggle as they sat at the McCafe part and said to no one in particular two ice creams please (Its a game they play at home)

Or when Isaiah told me to ask the lady for "FREE Ice Creams" and as I turned the manager was standing half a metre from me. lol He meant THree.

Then again when Isaiah took the second tray to the bin and dribbled ice cream/milk onto the floor and declares that the lady needs to mop the floor up.

I think they had a fun afternoon. I know that I had a fun afternoon. So for this singular afternoon I was a "Fun Mum"

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Inspiration hitting suddenly - even if just a title of a blog
2. That I managed to scrape together $1.50
3. Vicki - one of the best SIL's that a SIL can have
4. Inspiration, Admiration, Motivation, Energy & Excitement to come from Vicki
5. Personal Revelations

(((NB: Is that enough of a blog mention for you V???)))

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