Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's in a name?

Amalia Joy
(December 2007)

The story behind Amalia:
One night as I was falling asleep I audibly heard the name "Amalia" being whispered to me. I thought 'wow, maybe we could use that as our babies name?!'
As morning came I woke and remembered this name "Amalia" and shared it with Michael. He says yeah maybe. We looked it up to discover it was of Hebrew origin (what I had prayed for) and it meant 'Work of the Lord' which was and is extremely fitting for the season of life in which we were in at the time.

The story behind Joy:
From birth we didn't have a middle name picked out. But as the months passed on each time I looked at her it was like I saw or heard the words "Delight" & "Joy". At the age of 5 months I said to Michael what about calling her Amalia Joy because each time I look at her that is what I seem to 'see'. He agreed. The name is not official on her birth certificate but official enough to us.

You know what I find amusing? Calling a tantruming child "Amalia Joy". hee hee hee xx

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Answered prayer
2. *hearing* the name Amalia
3. That season of our life being over
4. God disciplines the ones He loves (He MUST love me A LOT!)
5. The Princess He gave us in the form of Amalia Joy

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