For male and child readers:
After a long 9 month pregnancy came a long labour and after the long labour came a big baby. Mother and baby did well.
For others:
After an incredibly rough and stressful 8 1/2 months of pregnancy came a variety of "Braxton Hicks" that gave me the impression from time to time "it" was happening. Though nothing eventuated.
Monday 7th March 2011 at 7:44pm the "Braxton Hicks" changed into "real labour contractions" at a more regular basis.
Tuesday 8th March 2011 I awoke still pregnant and these "real labour contractions" were fairly the same as throughout the night. I felt a mix of emotions but mostly excited that it was FINALLY happening. Our Avigail was FINALLY going to be on the outside and in my arms.
Michael went off to work his second day at a casual job - we really need/needed the money after 5 months of unemployment.
I spent the day 'in labour' pottering around the house tidying up, cleaning up, washing up. The children were kept occupied and busy. I rested, they rested. They played absolutely beautiful...
4pm when the youngest of our three woke from his afternoon nap. From that point until 4:30pm the children took it in turns to upset the middle child and fight and argue and scream.
I had had enough. These regular "Braxton Hicks/Real Labour Contractions" were annoying, I was growing weary of never having anything happen, My body was sore and aching, the fluid was at an all time high.
I told myself I just had to get through an hour and a half (thinking Michael finished at 5:30pm)
at 4:30pm I burst into tears not being able to handle the children fighting and the constant contractions. I texted Michael to come home NOW.
Michael arrived home moments later all dirty and grotty from a day's work. Changed pants, rang his dad to get the children cared for and bundled me in the car to go get our baby out.
We became peaceful, joyed, had some fun in the labour ward. Chatted and laughed and prayed. I was excited that this long and stressful pregnancy was going to end, I was excited that I'd have the babe that I asked God for would VERY soon be in my arms.
They checked me out with a 5cm dilation around 5pm- YEAH!! Half way there...
I used the shower as a pain relief. We prayed, I prayed, Mik prayed, I sang (quietly), he sang. That was fun too.
The contractions came and went came and went. Barely close together, all bearable.
8pm with a 7cm dilation they broke my waters with the hope/expectation the contractions would come quicker and stronger and bub would be out by 9pm.
9pm came and went with no change in contractions. Michael's sister Katie came to tell us about her terrible dream (HA HA HA) and that she was heading to our place to have a sleep over to watch over the children. Love that girl!! Michael's parents and younger siblings came to watch them at the drop of a hat.
10pm came and went. I think this was the hour they put in a canula and gave me antibiotics and I tell you what - The Canula in the hand is THE MOST PAINFUL PART of labour!!! A device to torture the labouring woman!
11pm came and went
midnight came and went
2am came and went
3:30am We were tired and weary. Why was nothing happening? Nothing had changed!
4am came and went :(
The Dr came and did his rounds, checked me out, had a chat. Thought it was happening as I had the feel to push. Such a labouring effort. Nothing.
The scary part came after he checked me out to say "Uhm" Made me think arm? Why is he talking about an ARM is she the wrong way? Well she was slightly crooked and totally stuck. According to the midwife my uterus was tired from such a long labour. So was I. By this stage I was so tired, so over tired that I cried. Finally after all that time I shed tears. What was wrong?
But the real scary part came when they started this medical speech, someone else came in, they put stirrups on the bed and 'things got serious'. WHAT WAS GOING ON??? I Begged for a chance on the 'birthing stool' and they let me. I had 20 minutes to get her out. After about 5mins I failed and said nope no more I can't do it.
Grateful for that opportunity but it was the worst position for me to be in.
They gave me some morphine through the canula to relax me and take the edge off the contractions. I complained HEAPS cos it REALLY hurt!!
Dr said the 'suction cap' wasn't going to do me any good cos she was stuck so they put me on a drip of syntocin to bring contractions on just after 5pm.
An hour later the drip machine went beep beep beep and the contractions came strong and heavy and after 34 hours of labor I finally felt her head bearing down and urges to push push push.
I tell you what... This baby sure was a labour of love. A 9 month labor of love with a 2 week labor (or 34 hours counting from Mon night).
The pushing parts were hard cos I had to push without contractions. Her swollen chubby head was stuck and I had nothing to push with. I was in a fair bit of pain. I didn't want to go through that again. 4 kids was it I decided then and there! So did Michael. Did I say she was stuck?
@ 6:11am Avigail Shiloh arrived
Weighing a whopping 9lb 5ounces
52cm long
Weighing a whopping 9lb 5ounces
52cm long
Miraculously I have no tearing nothing. My body worked in our favour again.
After she arrived there was kuffafels everywhere. People trying to hand me my baby while I was trying to turn around, needles, scissors, pegs. Instead of the peaceful here is your baby and cuddles and smiles it was still full going with demands being made of me. It was stressful. I couldn't feed straight away from all the action going on in the room.
Her cord was tiny and couldn't reach me. I told them to cut it which was not my original plan and not what I wanted. But I was in distress.
They jabbed me with the oxytocin needle for third stage labour - that hurt more than contractions. More demands to birth the placenta, I just wanted to see and hold my baby. Discomfort much?! *sigh*
I was relieved to hear no tears and no stitches needed. I let them know I didn't want them to even look!!
Finally some people left the room, the Dr left, I was allowed to shower (Mik babysat), and we went straight up to our room. Couldn't wait to see my beloved children and let them meet their newest sister :)
Finally some peace. We were left to admire and cuddle our new beauty. She fed beautifully and for a long time. I was instantly in love =D and overflowing with thankfulness (Col 2:7)
5 Things I was/am Thankful for:
1. Safe, natural, healthy arrival of our 4th Bubba
2. Being given a chance to birth before they yanked the baby out (& it not happening at all)
3. No tearing!!
4. Dr taking charge and giving me syntocin and morphine
5. Michael staying by my side just about the whole time - I know it was hard on him too!
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