... & I suspect a fair few of them too...
You see...
Awhile ago now...
... We got ourselves an organic mouse trap...
and named him "Bella"...
but discovered that 'bella' had boy bits...
... so was renamed *ahem* bumfluff...
... ... ...
I know right!
Bumfluff was our chemical free completely organic and natural mouse trap...
But before we got our Bumfluff and after we had our Bella we first got our "Ranga" who was MEANT to be our boy to make a pair so they can have babies - for the benefit of 'homeschooling'...
... ANYWAY...
I've been WAITING...
and waiting...
and still the mice roam freely!!!
So in a burst of complete anger lacking all management...
... I got ourselves a box of mouse poison...
I know right!
SO not natural... SO not organic... SO not chemical free...
But I opened the pantry door to discover ONE mouse eating the inner tube of the gladwrap...
I screamed... it scampered... I told Isaiah to get the vacuum cleaner...
Mouse 0: Amy 1
... since the scattering of green poison pellets BEHIND the cupboards where children and 'mouse trap - non-working cats' could possibly reach...
there have been 3 dead mice... and 1 get away...
But NOW that the mice are half drugged the cats have been 'catching them'...
These mice are getting expensive and they have been really really really REALLY upsetting me!!!
Vacuum cleaners = the ideal mouse catcher + the ideal mouse poop cleaner-upper... Works every time...
{ETA 28th March 2011 : Bumfluff has since been renamed Esau - because Esau (& Jacob) had an over eating problem and Ranga has been renamed Gideon because that cat, somewhere, in the heart of its little flea ridden body must have the heart of a lion, a warrior, a fighter. How has it survived this long? Bumfluff aka Esau has run away, Gideon had his first bath yesterday and is still hanging around. APOLOGIES to anyone who may be or may want to be offended by our 2nd cat's name. I had NO idea ranga was an 'offensive' term - until my *ahem* ranga sister in law told me and I was as mortified as she was}
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Kids that torture non-working kittens with pink baby suits and blue bunny rugs
2. Little Green Pellets that make mice look DRUNK
3. Dead Mice Retrievers... ... ...
4. Hysterical Laughter... when you realise what you've JUST DONE!!!
5. VACUUM CLEANERS that suck those mice right up and away...
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