Monday, March 21, 2011

He Equips

God does not call the equipped, He Equips the Called.

If this statement is correct then that is what He is doing in me. I can feel it too! That feeling of "WOW I'm so out of my league right now!!" but in the knowledge that with a bit more time and a lot more experience I shall become a pro at being a mother to four little kids 5 yrs of age and under.

My capacity has begun to stretch that little bit more. I am up for the challenge - just as soon as I get a deep sleep. Oh perhaps the not sleeping thing is a part of the equipping. I was prepared for that! No wait... I get more sleep now then I did while she was in-utero. I'm just having a whinge.

My perfect morning routine has been tipped upside down along with a kilo of oats and a litre of milk, my washing has bred and grown up into a mountain load worthy of praise, and my once semi-cleaned kitchen has become a never-cleaned kitchen (or so it seems). Exchanged with the fussing of a demanding CUDDLE ME FOR AGES newborn Princess of whom has made me clucky and totally in love with her.

My days are quick rushes of tidy-ups and clean-ups and pick-ups and sit-downs with slightly bigger children while bubba rests peacefully. Right up until 'need to get dinner happening' when the fussing begins again and the demands return. Remind me why a 5 & 3yr old can't cook dinner for the family?

My patience has quadrupled, my energy has/had returned and my love for these snot nosed, grubby faced, sandy little mites has grown along with it.

I am glad this is my life, my dream is fulfilled, and I am being equipped as I live it. He truly gives everything I need.

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Sleep, especially when I get some more so when I don't
2. Kids close in age - which means: they are playing while I am blogging
3. Sleeping babies
4. Warm Jumpers
5. Coffee, or Mocha, or Iced Coffee, or Awake-In-A-Cup

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