Bubba has reached almost 3 weeks of age. I was thinking she'd be making me stay up half the night for a long long time but nope. She's settled down and gives me 4-6hour blocks of sleep between feeds.
In fact I get more sleep NOW then I did in-utero and I feel great for it.
The funny thing is she still wants me up for a full hour. Even though the feed is finished in half that time. She wants to be cuddled and snuggled before she goes back to bed.
So there we have it. Another beautiful baby that gives mummy plenty of sleep at night.
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Feeling on top of the world albeit however creaky I am
2. 4-6hour blocks of sleep
3. Night Company of a certain 3yo who doesn't stay in her own bed ALL night
4. The cuddle hormone Oxytocin
5. ANOTHER sleeping baby =]
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