Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"still in training"

Today we went down town for another errand run.

  • stopped at our PO box - Success!!
  • Dropped in at the book shop to hire out more DVDs - better than last time = not entirely happy with children's behaviours or listening ability or obedience levels = practice makes perfect we'll be back next week!
  • returned to the car where I had left the DVDs to return - Success!!
  • Returned to the book shop and returned them - Success!!
  • Went to Duncs to hang up 'for sale' signs - semi-okay, too much asking for lollipops and why do they have lollipops in sight of children anyway? Grrr!!
  • Returned to car - 10mins later all strapped in, lollypop in mouths, wrappers on floor, ready to go...
  • Off to Community Health. Children waiting for me to get other children out of car and holding on when I said so!! YEAH :D
  • Children held hands on the way across the parking bay, inside and around the corner to the booth bit - SUCCESS!!!
  • Children stood QUIETLY, holding hands, observing the weighing in of our WHOPPING BIG 380grams above weight last week Princess!!! w00t w00t - SUCCESS!!
  • Back in car - holding onto ladder while unlocking doors, getting kids in etc - success
  • Off to the Library. Fed bubba on the grass, kids hung closely around.
  • Jarah in pram, Isaiah pushing pram, Amalia holding my hand, bubba in sling into the library. Success!! So far mostly all good!!!
  • Up to the desk to get us each a card, Jarah climbs out of pram, Amalia takes off, Isaiah is being annoying - FAIL :(
  • Lady feels sorry for me (or something) and asks what kind of books I wanted to get out. I told her and she shows me exactly where things are - Success!! :D LOL
  • Choose some books, pile them up, get out of library and back in car - So much room for improvement!!
That was it... Another trip down town with the realisation that we need to perfect this outing thing...

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. A better, smoother, easier, trip down town then last time
2. Experience is a great teacher & Practice makes perfect
3. Car big enough to fit us all in (even if it is a painful experience getting kids in & out)
4. My beautiful sling!!!
5. Chubby milk for my chubby feeder :) 380grams YEAH!!!

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