Monday, January 21, 2013

Flying in the face of... {danger}

We can be rather {silly} in this place from time to time. Or all the time. Especially with the two brothers get together. The big brothers that is. Silly songs with Papa is a regular occurance that makes kids scream and later sing to one another to make some one else scream. You know how it is right?

I am thinking that my 5yr old might be a song writer (as well as a drummer, pianist and guitarist). He spends time just about every day CREATING new songs and changing words to other songs.

One song... "Amalia is a biiiirrd-plane" <--- that one is Papa's fault and makes all sorts of screams.

It ended up being the wise and mature parent (aka ME) to put a stop to squeals caused by teasing of siblings and parent. The children are no longer ALLOWED to sing INAPPROPRIATE songs!
End of story.

New words started sprouting. "MUMMY! HE/SHE IS BEING APROPRIT" or thereabouts.

So, I get this awesome Curriculum called "Answers for Preschoolers" which has a CD. One of these songs goes "I love [insert name], I love [insert name], I love [insert name], and I know he/she loves me too". I love it. You can use it for each child. BUT the CD uses the name MARIAH as an example of how the song goes. So if I sing "I love Isaiah, I love Isaiah, I love Isaiah and I know he loves me too" I get all sorts of squeals and screams about not doing that, that's not aproprit. etc etc etc

Except today. Whilst singing this lovely song to each of my children several times I was told that it was "DANGEROUS". Oh well...

Flying in the face of Danger I just kept on singing.

5 Things I am Thankful for: 
1. Funny things kids say & a blog to record it for my future memoirs
2. Such lovely, true, uplifting, loving songs to sing to each of my children
3. Silly songs with Papa
4. Musical talents of a FIVE yr old
5. Singing that occurs in this place DAILY

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