Thursday, January 24, 2013

YELL & TELL, DE Teacher Survey Has Competition

A new blog has been birthed in the sphere and this one take aim at the new little venture between DeDOE and DSEA that's been affectionately named TELL Delaware!
TELL (Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning) Delaware will be open to all school-based, licensed educators - including administrators. By Jan. 22, every school will receive a packet of letters that contains the individual seven-digit, anonymous access codes for educators in the school. These will be sent to each school's representative with the Delaware State Education Association (DSEA), the state's largest school employee union. For buildings without union representation, the packets will be sent to the principals. Principals and DSEA representatives then will distribute the letters randomly at a faculty meeting.

It appears that TELL Delaware has already spurred some IRE.  Here's a grand 'ole C&E 1st WELCOME to YELL Delaware - a blog with a mission - to become a public repository of anonymous teacher comments, concerns, and needs.  Not all that different than the DOE/DSEA venture - but seemingly much more transparent and accessible!

So, let's put some support behind YELL Delaware - get the address out to all teachers so that they can finally say what's really on their mind to a truly captive and listening audience -


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