Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Frenchman's Peak - April 2011

When our baby was just 5 or 6 weeks old I had this *amazing* idea. 
To climb frenchman's peak. Frenchman's peak is not too close by but it IS high up. 
Signage says 45 minutes up and 45 minutes back - from memory. 
With a 5 year old, 3 year old, 20 month old and a 5-6week old we walked and climbed. 
Most of the way up to the top :) Check out the shadows!

Trooper kids with their boot camp trainer Dad

At times when we look out at our lives all we see is darkness or the shadows over the beauty of our rock but in the distance the shines brightly and the water flows freely

You can tell who loved this treck the MOST right!! 

Showing off his muscles and skills and taste testing stagnant water

Proof I was involved and there was a baby present. I made it up easily by using a tie-wrap which isn't tied properly here because we stopped to have a feed and I hadn't put it back on properly. But, I WAS THERE!

View from the top, the horizon, the space, the shadows.
All represent things in our lives if we stop long enough to view it.

Sometimes all of life is shadows, but somewhere amongst the shadows is the glorious sun

Checking out one of the caves half way up the top.

Here is another cave, the children loved this, especially Isaiah (5). 

Sun setting over the ocean while we are at the very top

At the top, holding hands with two toddlers so tightly so they don't walk off the edge

Michael, Isaiah (5), Jarah (20 months), Amalia (3) made it to the top with little problems.
Energy plus from toddlers!

Here is one of my favourite photos of our fourth with her Daddy.  And that Sun!! ha ha

As we walked, I thought about how children follow their Daddy,
how their Daddy leads them and how they walk altogether. 

Second leg of the journey, kids still traipsing with their Daddy.
Headed right up the top to that nobby bit at the top there!

The shadows that the peak makes upon the landmass is incredible isn't it! 

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