Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Born at Home

I'd been in labour for awhile (2 days), Friday night the contractions were a little more intense.

At some point just past 10pm I was over it and started pacing the house, had a shower and went to the lounge room where I cried out to God in my weakness. I felt like I had nothing left and that labour was going to continue for hours and even days, judging from previous births.

As the next contraction came I felt the movements of bub being dragged down or pushed down and KNEW my waters were about to burst which is a good sign. I pushed with it and they burst.

On top of that contraction I had another and pushed with that also, I could feel that baby moving and felt down there to feel most of her head out.

Catching my breath and regaining strength before the next contraction came then I pushed again and she was out.

The sweetest sound ever, my husband talking to the baby I just birthed. Completely peaceful and no fear in anyway. Totally relaxing and just the 3 of us, we had worship music playing and had been listening and singing along at various times.

Before we knew it had begun it was finished.

Michael awoke Amalia who got to spend special bonding time with us and witness the placenta be born/birthed. It was so precious.

I heard Avigail awake and brought her through to see, she liked her immediately.

When Michaels mum came to watch our children we went to the hospital. The midwife was lovely but concerned to begin with. As she received answers to her questions she relaxed more and more.

Was this my first? 5th
Where's the placenta? In the bundle with bub
Did we cut the cord? No
Did we plan on staying or going home? Going home!

In less than an hour we were on our way home with a baby and without a placenta and instructions to return at 8am for paperwork and dr check. Easy.

Best birth ever.
Best hospital experience ever.

I felt that God was showing me what His Design for Birth was and not what we've turned it into.

5 things I am thankful for:
1. Smooth supernatural birth
2. No tearing, once again
3. Drug free labour and delivery
4. Attentive hubby to be there and be a part of the process
5. New Life and growth in our family

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