Thursday, April 25, 2013

Child-Directed Learning

A long while back I recognised an interest of 'electronics' in my oldest child. That and his ability to put things together and enjoy it.

Obviously being a homeschooling mum means I am looking out for these kinds of things to enhance his learning opportunities and encourage his interest areas and skills.

I purchased a 144+ electronics kit where you have an instruction book in pictures a bunch of wires and an electronic board.

I think I did the first one, rigging up a light to a battery and made it go, and he did some other ones. Making the fan part go was most exciting and using a double battery made the fan go so fast it would fly off up into the air at rapid speed.

All this time later he is still using it freely as he desires, learning more and more about it and rigging up different things with differing switches.

Even at night time when the house is winding down and babies are put to bed you might find him working on a project on his own by his own choice.

When in a child's interest area they are willing to go and learn and practice on their own accord. I love it xx

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