Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 3 of Hosannah's arrival

Today we slept in a little bit then got ready for the Guthrie & Hearing Test. I had some more errands to run also.

We set the car seats up in the car (cos yes I hadn't installed the capsule and wasn't planning to until special baby arrived for car swap reasons).

Our car is now jam packed to the brim.

Hosannah passed the hearing test and bled enough to fill in 3 circles. Hosannah weighed in at 3480grams (birth weight being 3660grams) so that's a 5% loss of birth body weight :-)

My milk came in turning the colostrum to an orange gold colour as it dribbled down Hosannah's chin.

Jarah (3) suddenly decided he was a big boy enough to do his own seatbelt up. He's in a full 5 point harness car seat and has until today refused to do his own belt up. Which means two things 1) someone else doesn't have to do it for him 2) Jarah has decided he's a bigger boy and can do things for himself!!

Jarah, my sweet boy, has hit his second batch of rebellion ever. Hitting his 'terrible two' stage when he was 3yrs and a few months & his second one now at 3yrs & 8 months - prior to Hosannah's birth. Meaning we need to be onto obedience and disobedience just about every time and shower him with love and praise.

Jarah (3) has allowed room for the special baby to move into his pram area. He is 3 months off turning 4, has refused to buckle his own seat belt AND still rides in a pram!! Today... He used his big boy legs and WALKED!

We went for a walk. Just a quick one. The SEVEN of us.

Being a mother to FIVE hasn't quite hit home yet. Nor has the part where we are a family of 7.

I don't take kindly to pain, and I am in constant pain. After birth pain and back spasms and also a tight muscle in my upper back. Pray it gets sorted out - I feel somewhat crippled.
Feeding Hosannah encourages the pains to flare up :(

Hosannah attaches and feeds well for long periods. Best feeder we've had.

Amalia sits next to Hosannah in the car - which is important to note...

I cleaned up our disgusting back patio really fast, adding in CLR and using our old broom as a mop to rub calcium build up stains and get the dirt and dog hair out of my patio area - felt good to clean it up and even better the sudden dexterity my body has regained.

I found out that some people have to push for over an hour long :o and its TRUE

Hosannah is the most loved baby, so much so there is always a willing cuddled and the question can I hold Hosannah.

Emotionally I am doing well, physically healing up except for the back pain & contractions and I don't even feel exhausted. Actually I feel energy on the inside with a body that doesn't want to catch up. But I should get myself some rest so we can play and work hard tomorrow :-)

Thank you for the well wishes & encouragement xxx

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