Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DIY Strawberry Scented Playdough

I bring to you strawberry scented play dough! 

As a child I always loved things that had a scent. Give me smelly stickers any day!!!
There are lots of great scented playdough on the net but I decided to present mine
as lifelike to a real looking strawberry as I could. 

It looks and smells like a strawberry. Sure, the children who play with it will completely remold it to look nothing like it did originally but what does it matter? 
Why build a block tower if you can't knock it down? 

 Let's first start by making the play dough, which is incredibly easy as it involves no cooking. 

2 cups plain flour
1 table salt
2 tbsp oil
4 tbsp cream of tartar
2 cups boiling water
food colouring

If you are wanting to mold your dough to look like a strawberry then you'll also need - 

mint leaves
pepper corns

Firstly I added the flour, salt, water, oil and cream of tartar. 
It combined to make a thick consistency, perfect for playdough molding. 

I added a cap full (roughly 1 tsp) of strawberry essence to my mixture. 
You can add more if you are wanting a stronger scent. 

Kneed the dough and spread the essence through the dough. Feel free to add more at this point. 
When you're happy enough add a few drops of red food colouring.  

Add your colouring a few drops at a time and kneed the dough well. 
I probably added about 15-20 drops by the time I was happy with the colouring. 

Start molding your dough in the shape of your strawberry. 

I added a few pieces of fresh mint leaves to act as the strawberry hull (cap). 
This also added to the wonderful scent of the play dough. 

I then added a few pepper corns to act as the strawberry seeds. 
Again, this added to the overall scent of the dough. 

And the special scented strawberry play dough is complete!!! 
Who would want to find this in their garden and begin to play???? 

Possum was absolutely thrilled to play with the strawberry scented playdough.
It gave me an opportunity to show her how we smell with our nose and 
she laughed after giving it a sniff. She was quite attracted to the mint as well. 

Obviously little ones require supervision with such playdough. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and your children have a great time using play dough. 
Love Kate 
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