Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life with 5 kids

Ok so it's not the regular normality having a constant adult companion and chef in the house, Michael plans on returning to work next Monday. I've been very spoilt and so have the children having him with us every day.

Our days, everyday are spent together as a family of 7.

Being a larger family I'm not used to the extra number. For example Michael took two kids out yesterday leaving me home with 3. When I mentally did my head count with the 3 children in my presence and the two with Michael I was confused, the numbers 3+2 didn't equal 4... Strange I know ;)

Hosannah has thus far been a wonderful and easy baby. Even at night. She tends to marathon feed in the late arvo around 4pm onwards (today started around 5 it's 8 now and she's still going).

Children find themselves educational activities to fill their free time, Isaiah has been making a paper chain for party decorations that's happening this Saturday.

We've been watching different inventors and other educational shows. Today we watched about Helen Keller who got a fever and ended up blind and deaf. She ended up not being able to communicate and went wild until a special teacher taught her a different set of sign language, one that uses hands and signing in their hands.
Afterwards I tied a blindfold on Isaiah and he got to walk around the house without being able to see.

At dinner I caught Avigail shoving a pea up her nose but didn't think much of it, then she was trying to shove spinach up there and I made her stop. Afterwards she was sticking her finger up her nose and I said to Michael I think she has something up her nose. He looks and says there's a pea! While I was off looking for pea-up-nose-extraction-tools Michael told her to blow out her nose and blocked the other nostril, 2 blows and it was out. Random?!

I would love to blog a heap of things but I'm just out of time so this is it ;)

5 things I am thankful for:
1. Michael being home with us
2. The bonding going on within the family
3. A sweet massage for my sore achy back
4. Being able to get some things cleaned up and done
5. Food, cos I sure am hungry

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