Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Article Index for the First Blogiversary

To you faithful followers, it has been too long, much longer than I would have liked, since I last posted.  As those of you following along on facebook know, I have been dealing with constant acid reflux like pain in my upper stomach despite various treatments. I have been  busy trying new diets, supplements, and medications in my brief hiatus.  Unfortunately, I still don't have any answers for my own health, but I didn't want my very first Blogiversary to slip by unnoticed because I am so proud of Your Kid's Table and all that has been accomplished in this monumental year.

I am a committed goal-oriented person, and starting this blog a year ago was a decision that I did not take lightly. I read books and talked to anybody and everybody that would listen about blogging. My subject matter, feeding kids and sensory play was a cinch.  I could write endlessly about that, and still feel that way after a year's time.  It has been a great, busy, and yes, successful year. My original goal with the blog was to help out some friends that were struggling with the many eating issues and feeding milestones we all face as parents. I wanted a consistent resource that covered it all.  I think I am on my way to achieving that goal, and I am proud of that.  I never could have imagined the amount of work that went into blogging, even though the books clearly said it would be.  I am really grateful for all the people that have been so supportive and helpful over the last year.  Mostly though, I feel tremendously blessed that my little blog has helped so many of you out there.  When I receive an email or a comment with your success stories, it humbles me and inspires me to keep the blog train rolling.  Thank you to all of you that have taken a minute to share your stories.

I have big plans and mountains of ideas for what's to come on Your Kid's Table. I am excited to see what the next blogging year will bring.  How about you, what would you like to see on Your Kid's Table?  Could I organize something better, improve the site in some way, or is there a topic you would like me to cover?  Leave a comment (I really do love hearing from you) and let me know!

As part of my blogiversary celebration, I am also announcing my new Article Index.  I don't know if it just me and my type A brain, but I wanted a place where you could see every post I have written in one spot.  It is so annoying to search blog archives or scroll through pages of old posts.  I have placed the link to the page right in the top menu sandwiched between the Consulting Services and About Me links.  I organized all the posts by topic, like "Picky Eaters", "Developmental Milestones", "Sensory Play", etc.  There is some overlap as some posts apply to more than one topic. I hope this helps you all find everything and anything you could be looking for easily!

Since I don't post on a regular schedule, make sure you sign up for the email subscription (near the top of the right sidebar), it couldn't be easier!

Happy First Blogiversary, Your Kid's Table!

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