Sunday, April 21, 2013

Homeschool, Labour, A New Baby & a Birthday Party

Since last Thursday 11th April we've had 'home school holidays'.

I expected to give birth early Thursday morning on the basis I was having regular contractions but those regular contractions fizzled out into irregular contractions.

Friday we did groceries as a family, went to bunnings, fixed our dogs bed, and hung out as a family. It was lovely.

Saturday was spent loving on our new baby. Answering a multitude of questions and more loving on our new baby.

Sunday was written off - we have our own style of schedule or rhythm and it didn't get adhered to.

Monday we had the Guthrie test, hearing test and a few errands to run. Plus I took over on our schedule which made the day run smoothly.

Interestingly enough 'school' has continued.. There's been Meccano building, history, learning about inventions, questions answered, science, health, human biology, maths, reading and even phonics practice. All naturally and child-led.

They've pulled books out to specifically look at certain things they are interested in, such as babies in the body book.

Perhaps the most interesting topic being Space, Space Stations and a 55 minute virtual tour on you tube of a space station with all sorts of interesting things being told. Did you know they have to tape their pencil to the wall or it will float away and get lost?

By the end of the week we were hosting a birthday dinner of 20 people for my FIL. This meant for Isaiah making a Paper Chain. I showed him how to use my craft cutter, actually how to use the measurement part and he did the rest. He worked for many hours over 4 days to complete this ultra long chain for decorations. Isaiah even got to learn how to fix the stapler when the stapler gets stuck. He did really well, although that sort of thing is just his thing. He used up a heap of my old scrapbooking paper scraps that have been sitting in the kids craft box for around 2 - 4 years.

Hosannah is doing really well, sleeping in 3 or 4 hour blocks throughout the night, feeding 2-4 hourly during the day, attaching well and our first baby we've not had feeding issues with straight up (usually takes us a week to get it perfect). She smiles constantly at us, and not those windy smiles you expect!

My body has healed extremely fast after birth, I was blessed to receive a massage as a gift which has made the world of difference to my back and movement. I am sleeping well through the night and not exhausted throughout the day, although I have had a few naps somedays just incase I needed them for the arvo/evening. I have still been processing the labour, delivery, birth, and afterwards and fielding all sorts of strange and curious questions from friends and acquaintances.

The Birthday Party went really well I thought, I wasn't stressed and the prep & evening seemed peaceful to me.

So, that was our first week with our 5th baby wrapped in less than point form. Before I forget and have no time to write.. ;)

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Easy labour & birth
2. Peace and loads of it
3. A smooth transition
4. Having Michael home for an ENTIRE week
5. 5 Blessed lil souls, that He sees fit to have given to me... ME!

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