Friday, July 5, 2013

A story about loose underwear

Many many years ago I had this conversation with my mother about her underwear... 

It went something like this: 

Mum "these undies are so loose they always fall down when I wear them" *places undies on top of pile in her drawer*
Me "so throw them out"
Mum "what? I can't do that!"
Me "why not? You don't like them, they make you uncomfortable and fall down when you wear them"
Mum "but I can still wear them"
Me "ok, so put them at the BOTTOM of the pile instead of the top so they are the LAST pair you choose"
Mum "that's a good idea"

I guess that I remember the conversation well because it was so out there.. 

But isn't it the same in our life sometimes. 

We place an emphasis of importance on something that isn't comfortable or fit well.. Like anger, bitterness or how about insecurity.. Like ill-fitting underwear.. 

We wear it, put it in the wash, dry it, put it back on top of the pile, wear it.. And so the cycle repeats itself. 

We get angry... We share it... We remember it.. We let it settle and at the first sign of anything we are angry again... 

Or our insecurity creeps out.. We wear it.. It is uncomfortable.. We continuously pull it up.. We wash it.. Let it sit.. Then pull it out and wear it again..

All those years ago my mum was complaining about her loose underpants.. Said she couldn't throw them out cos they didn't have holes in them.. 

So I ripped them.. I ripped up the undies so she couldn't wear them anymore.. And I threw them out.. 

She was pleased with that.. 

And we never talked about undies again.. At least never that I can recall ;) 

Do you have any undies that need ripping up and throwing out? Any one you need to forgive? Anything you need to let go of? Perhaps a dagger, machete or sword that needs pulling out of your back?

I suggest you place these things in a little box in your mind and hand them over to Jesus (or even to no one if you don't believe in Jesus).. Then leave it there.. Get a new pair.. And wear them.. 

Here's a few examples... 

5 things I am thankful for:
1) a random conversation triggered in memory that can be translated into life
2) de-cluttering the soul
3) that we didn't have fb or Instagram back then cos I fair-well could have a photo to go along with this post :o
4) that we don't have to carry the negative
5) for life, and life in abundance

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