My Natural Learner loves science, He wants to know the whys and the hows and he loves learning. Imagine my heart rejoice and my mind be relieved when I discovered a DVD Science Experiment series called InquisiKids Discover & Do by Sonlight.
They have 5 DVDs in the series.
Level K (pre-primary)
Level 1 (year 1)
Level 2 (year 2)
Level 3 (year 3)
Level 4 (year 4)
(We have Level K, 3 & 4)
Each DVD contains 60 - nearly 100 experiments each with full instructions and demonstrations making mums job super easy, especially if science is not your strong part.
I originally brought Level K pre-baby because I wanted 'easy back-up' incase I was unable to teach for a period of time. I thought at least he would be learning even if we were not doing hands on experiments ourselves.
I was pleasantly surprised to witness the natural progression of several children asking for certain items to be brought from the shops so they could conduct experiments and I was pleasantly surprised to see them do experiments as part of their own natural desire to learn and explore. A homeschool mums delight "Can we do science?" "Can we watch our science DVD". I let the children watch these as they please.
It wasn't long before I decided to get the whole set this year for our science resources and teaching methods. Unfortunately the place I picked these DVDs up from has closed down (hence not owning level 1 & 2) and I am unsure where to purchase through Australian sites.
I've written before about our learning styles, I like to SEE things in action so I gain understanding before teaching, these DVDs help me to do so alongside my children.
Even though I have no grade 3 or 4 students my children are still able to understand the concepts in those levels.
I could allow these to be the only science we did and it would be enough, however my children naturally love science and experiments and exploring so we don't, it is just a fun, educational, non-schooly approach to something the children of all ages enjoy, together.
First check them out here to see what you think.
I brought these DVDs myself sand have not been paid or compensated in any way.
This method Works for Us
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Natural learning being so enjoyed be everyone and taken into the mind deeply
2. Resources that are set out before me
3. Multi-age method
4. Buy once, use a hundred times type of resources
5. That this can be used as 'play' when friends come over!
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