Saturday, July 13, 2013

Science Experiment for Kids - Magnetic Force

Simple Science Experiment for Kids on Magnetic Force

As a child I loved learning about science. Conducting experiments to prove facts and test out theories. It satisfied my natural curiosity and so many children are like that. 

Here is a simple science experiment that you can do at home!

Simple Science Experiment for Kids on Magnetic Force

You will need - 
  • 1 container or drinking glass
  • Pipe cleaner (at least 1)
  • Scissors
  • Magnet (about $4 from craft stores)
Simple Science Experiment for Kids on Magnetic Force

Use the scissors and cut up the pipe cleaners into 1 - 2cm strands. Add them to the container and close the lid. Place the magnet somewhere on the container, give the whole thing a light shake and you will find the strands are attracted to the magnet. 

Simple Science Experiment for Kids on Magnetic Force

How cool is that?????
Basically it happens because magnets have an invisible force field that causes it to attract and stick to metals such as what is found inside these pipe cleaners. This force is strong enough to pass through some materials like the plastic of this container. 

How about you get your children to test out and answer some of these questions - 
  • What happens if the pipe cleaners are cut longer/shorter? 
  • Would this experiment work if it was in a container of wood, glass, paper etc?
  • How far away does the magnet need to be before it attracts the pipe cleaner pieces?
  • Are some colours more attracted than others?
  • What items around the house attract a magnet? What doesn't? 
  • How thick does the material between the magnet and the pipe cleaners need to be before it stops them drawing together?
I hope your children have fun with this science experiment. 

Kate x

I'd love to hear your comments so leave them below. 

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