Sunday, July 7, 2013

{Review} Omar the Strongman by Gregory Rogers

Omar the Strongman illustrates at a child's level, to serve others in the jobs they are in or doing and by doing so they become people of strong character. We often talk about what it means to work hard and serve others. In a society that says 'do what you want', 'follow your dreams no matter the cost', and 'think yourself higher than every other person around' we walk in the opposite direction. Think of others higher than you think of yourself, serve others, be humble, be people of integrity. 
Omar works hard to help all those around him, but does the desires of his heart come to pass? You'll have to read it yourself to find out. 

"Omar is very busy at the new odd job man at Circus La Fleur, and he loves to watch the stars pratcice during his lunch break.
Would Omar ever have an act of his own?"

Book Particulars:

  • Ages 4+
  • Heart-warming and humorous story of circus characters!
  • Written and illustrated by Kate Greenaway award-winner, Gregory Rogers.
  • Australian RRP $24.99 

Gregory Rogers won the prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal for his book, The Boy, the Bear, the Baron and the Bard (2004). He has illustrated many books, including Edrei Cullen's Flitterwig Trilogy, and also Way Home by Libby Hawthorn, which won a Parents' Choice Award in the US and was shortlisted for the APBA book design awards.

According to this source here Gregory Rogers died 1st May 2013. 

Other books include:

This book was sourced through Scholastic Press who gave me a copy to review. 

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