Sunday, July 14, 2013

Crazy Magnetic Hair Styles

Just for a bit of fun.....
You may remember a science experiment that I demonstrated on Laughing Kids Learn that highlighted magnetic force. Well, this activity came from me conducting that science experiment. You see, like children do, I started to get a bit creative and using the magnet as a little person and creating different hair styles. 

I had a huge mound of pipe cleaners left over and so I cut them down into 2 cm strands.

Using the magnetic wand, which cost me $4AU from a craft store, I drew a simple nose and mouth and added some googly eyes. I used the end to start gathering up all the little pieces. I loved how the googly eyes seemed to come alive and look at the stands of hair that it suddenly was attracting to its 'head'. 

As you can see I started using the coloured strands to make patterns and various styles. It was so much fun. 

Front & Back

I found that I was able to really create different expressions on my little magnetic characters my using pipe cleaner strands for eyebrows and tilt them in various directions. This could be fun and helpful for special needs children who have difficulty interpreting emotions.

Here is my best version of a punk! LOL 

Possum was really curious to know what I was doing and probably because I was laughing to myself constantly. "Uppy" she would say over and over. I picked her up and let her hold the little magnetic creature I'd made. She smiled and clearly thought my work was wonderful. Unfortunate this activity, with all it's small pieces, is well out of her age group

See what wonderful characters your older children come up with and see how creative they can be with using pipe cleaners for hair styling. It's lots of fun. 

Kate x

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