Friday, July 26, 2013

Homemade Chalk Powder

Those wonderful large sticks of chalk throw me back to my childhood. I have such fond memories of myself and the neighbourhood kids drawing and writing messages in chalk all over the roads and pathways. We'd also crush it up to use it for other play ideas. 

I decided to show you can make your very own homemade chalk powder because there are so many awesome activities that kids can do that use it. I'll post some ideas in the coming posts so be sure to stay tuned. 

All you need to make your own is chalk pieces and table salt! 

Simply start by grating the chalk using the grains of salt like sandpaper. You'll find that almost instantly the chalk begins to mix with the grains of salt and it all starts to change colour. Gives your arms a work out too! lol

I decided to make various colours and bag them up into freezer bags. 

You might like to add your homemade chalk powder to a decorative jar or container. If so simply snip one end of the freezer bag and pour the powder however you like. I personally like to see it presented with the various coloured levels showing.  

Oh so pretty when presented like this.
But as I said, there are so many wonderful things you can do with homemake chalk powder. 
Keep your eye out for some great ideas that your children will love, coming soon!

Kate x

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