Monday, July 1, 2013

{Review} Possum Magic Animals by Mem Fox

Board Books are great for little kids. I place our board books in a shallow box at the bottom of our bookshelf for the toddlers to use as they desire. Using a shallow box means it is easy for little children to put back when they are finished. It works for me.

Possum Magic has been a delightful story travelling all over Australia for such a long time I remember the story as a child, as a teen and now as a parent. The best part? Lamingtons... Ok so perhaps not.

This Board Book is about the animals with simple illustrations especially for little ones, perfect for my toddler and perfect to add to an Australian Studies Unit or Theme. Even better, when reading the story book to older children your toddler could hold her own book and follow along with you... Or sit on your lap counting "two eyes" on every animal. Just Sayin...

Julie Vivas illustrated this book and it is fantastic!

Mem Fox is the author of much loved classic children’s picture books, Possum Magic and Where is the Green Sheep? Some we already have and read ;)

The story behind Possum Magic can be read here
There is so many activities you can do with your tots regarding this book including cooking!

Disclaimer: I was gifted Possum Magic Board Book from Omnibus Book for Schoolastic Australia for this review.

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