Monday, July 15, 2013

Innovative Schools Empowers Charter Schools by Holding Their Mortgages

This isn't new news.  It's really recently discovered news - as in, we never thought about Innovative as having the capital to finance charter school property acquisitions.  Apparently, they do and they have been.  And now, they even advertise!



Obtain financing for building acquisition, renovation, construction, or leasehold improvements
• Facilities Project Management
• Loan Guaranty Financing
• Direct Lending (NEW PROGRAM)
Note:  This program has been so successful, that Innovative is now offering DIRECT LENDING!

Thus far, the following charter schools have been beneficiaries of Innovative's finance menu of services:

  • Newark Charter School
  • DMA
  • Family Foundations
  • Sills/Moyer Education Foundation (Old Moyer)
  • DCPA

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